Coordinators’ first meeting in Trapani

Between  December 22 and 26,  in Trapani(Sicily), took place the first Comenius project co-ordinators’ meeting. Two teachers represented Debinka: Mr. Bech and Mr. Laszuk.

Our delegation had a warm welcome from the students of VI CIRCOLO DIDATTICO "E . PERTINI" School. At the time of the meeting good relations with representatives of Turkey, Greece, Spain and Bulgaria were established.

The co-ordinators had several meetings concerning the project programme. The results of previous work  and future  plans were discussed. Representatives from every school showed films and  presentations on  their environment. An exhibition of art projects created by students of all the schools in the project was put together. The exhibition was visited by Italian students, the heads of school and some representatives of  Trapani authorities.

The most important decision made at the time of the meeting was to establish the schedule of future visits. It is published in bookmark "Programme".

The hosts took great care to show visitors all the attractions of the area. The guests had a chance to visit just  a  few from the  hundreds of fascinating places in Sicily.

They were shown devices to desalinate water as the desalinating machines are very important for citizens of Trapani. Salt that is made in this process is one of the most popular products coming from this region.

Another interesting attraction was a small city located on mount Erice, known in acient times as "Eryks". Because of its location it had become the reason for conflicts with Romans, Greeks and Carthaginians. When Roman Empire took over the city, it became the centre of cult of the mythological God Venus.

Today Erice is a beautiful village where live about 350 people, mostly elderly. In the city there is high-tech centre of seismological research. Most of the citizens of Erice are employees of the research centre.
Equally interesting was the visit to Seinunte- ruins of an ancient city, the Greek colony Megara, that was built in 638 B.C. The remains of ten temples and acres of land covered  in  ruins  of great buildings show what a grand place it once was.

We hope that the next visits will be equally interesting. Next meeting will take place in the city of Vidin in Bulgaria.

tanslated by Adrian Montgomery